New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (2024)





NINT '23

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New Insights Into The New Testament - 2024

Join over 2,000 Bible enthusiasts for a two-day virtual conference with presentations on the life and letters of Paul by 10 world-renowned Bible scholars.

Main Event:

September 21-22, 2024


10:00 AM - 4:40 PM EDT

Reserve Your Seat

Over 2,200 attended last year!


2024 Focus - The Life and Letters of Paul

SeeWhat's New at NINT This Year!

  • More Insights: Optional new events such as our "Hot Topic" discussion and Roundtable Panel discussion
  • More Connections: Engage with like-minded Bible enthusiasts at our revamped Attendee Mixer
  • More Access to the Scholars: Engage directly with our esteemed presenters at our optional VIP Mixer!
  • Less Waiting to Learn: All passes include immediate access to a new lecture on the life of Paul by Bart Ehrman (It's like a "prequel" to the event!)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (3)

NINT is a new two-day virtual conference for people who are interested in Bible scholarship but are not, themselves, scholars.Prepare for a truly groundbreaking event as we gather ten world-renowned biblical scholars, each a compelling expert in their field, to unveil the latest and most intriguing revelations about the life and letters of the Apostle Paul.


New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (4)

Dr. Bart Ehrman

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (5)

Dr. Paula Fredriksen


New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (6)

Dr. John Barclay

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (7)

Dr. Joel Marcus

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (8)

Dr. Robyn Walsh

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (9)

Dr. Ben White

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (10)

Dr. Ron Charles

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (11)

Dr. Jenny Knust

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (12)

Dr. Jason Staples

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (13)

Dr. James Tabor


New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (14)

Dr. Bart Ehrman

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (15)

Dr. Benjamin White

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (18)

Dr. Robyn Walsh

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (19)

Dr. Paula Fredriksen

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (20)

Dr. Ron Charles

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (21)

Dr. John Barclay

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (22)

Dr. Jenny Knust

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (23)

Dr. James Tabor

As Seen In...

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (24)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (25)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (26)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (27)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (28)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (29)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (30)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (31)

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (32)

Who Should Attend This Conference?

"Whether you are a Christian believer -- fundamentalist, evangelical, moderate, liberal – or a follower of another religious tradition, or a non-believer, the letters of Paul are some of the most influential writings in the history of Western thought. Understanding what Paul actually believed and taught is crucial for comprehending the development of early Christianity and its impact on our world. Delving into these texts is one of the most enlightening intellectual endeavors that anyone interested in the history of our culture can undertake."

Bart D. Ehrman

  • Groundbreaking insights
  • Latest scholarship
  • 10 World-class Biblical scholars
  • Designed for non-scholars

Reserve Your Seat

NINT 2024 schedule

NINT 2024 schedule



  • additional events


New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (33)

10:00 - 10:10 a.m.

Dr. Bart Ehrman

conference welcome

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (34)

10:10 - 11:20 a.m.

Dr. Benjamin White

fuzzy math: The challenge of counting paul's authentic letters

What counts as “Pauline”? For nearly 1,700 years the answer seemed fairly straightforward. The New Testament canon set the boundary at thirteen (or fourteen, including Hebrews) authentic Pauline Epistles...

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The identification of the historical Paul with the canonical Paul was severed, however, in the early-nineteenth century, leading to the distinctions between “undisputed” and “disputed” Pauline Epistles that have oriented the academic study of Paul ever since. Because of the subjective nature of so much of the argumentation over the authenticity of the Pauline Epistles as it developed in the nineteenth century, the analysis of authorial style took on increasing weight as a way out of having to make special decisions. The linguistic features of texts could be counted, averaged, and compared. In measuring one text’s language against another, the Pauline stylome would emerge as the incontrovertible standard for uncovering canonical forgeries in the Apostle’s name. In this talk I will argue that the entire enterprise of “counting” Paul is misguided and that our distinctions between the “historical” Paul and the Paul of “tradition” are much less firm than many think.

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (35)

11:20 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Dr. Jason Staples

Not by Faith Alone: Paul’s Gospel Wasn’t What You (Probably) Think

The apostle Paul is often interpreted as preaching a gospel of “salvation by faith alone,” a message of salvation through God’s forgiveness due to Jesus’ death on the cross opposed to the idea of salvation by works...

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This view, however, badly misunderstands Paul’s message. Far from preaching that people are saved “by faith alone” (a phrase that only appears once in the Bible, where it is preceded by the word “not”) and that works have nothing to do with salvation, Paul proclaims that everyone will be judged based on works, and only those who do what is right will be vindicated in that final judgment. The question then is how one becomes a doer of justice, and that is ultimately what Paul proclaims: a gospel of transformation through which previously unjust people can become doers of justice and thereby be saved in the end.


12.30 - 1:10 p.m.

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (36)

1:10 - 2:20 p.m.

Dr. Joel Marcus

Reformer or Renegade — Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People?

Paul was Jewish by birth, but did he remain Jewish in practice and conviction after converting to Christianity? And what was his attitude towards his fellow-Jews—both those who shared his Christian convictions and those who did not?

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Did he think a Jew had to convert to Christianity to gain acceptance before God? What did he think the future of the Jewish people was? And did he think that there was any continuing role for the Torah = Law of Moses in Christian life? We will examine the somewhat mixed signals Paul sends on these topics, which have implications for contemporary Jewish-Christian relations.

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (37)

2:20 - 3:30 p.m.

Dr. Robyn Walsh

Paul as a Philosopher

This lecture will address Paul’s use and understanding of ancient philosophy, with a focus on his references to Platonism and Stoic cosmology. Special attention will be paid to the promises he makes...

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to his addressees about the afterlife, the practices he advocates (e.g., baptism), and some of the common (mis)readings of his ethical and theological views. Other topics we will cover include the meaning and purpose of “spirit” (pneuma) in Paul’s letters, whether Paul’s philosophical principles informed the gospel writers, and what Paul means by “the heavens.”


3.30 - 3.40 p.m.

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (38)

3:40 - 4:50 p.m.

Dr. Jenny Knust

The Apostle Paul’s Sexual Vocabulary

From man-beds to malakoi and prostitutes to parthenoi, Paul had a lot to say about sex. What his words meant, however, is far from clear...

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Revisiting the Apostle’s instructions to the Christ followers in Corinth regarding nature, celibacy, and the dangers of desire, we will reconsider what these words meant and then came to mean, especially in English.

MC & Moderator

Bart D. Ehrman

Six-time NYT Bestselling Author & Leading Biblical Scholar

Dr. Bart D. Ehrman is the organizer and coordinator of NINT and will be a presenter at NINT 2024. He has written or edited thirty-three books, including six New York Times bestsellers: How Jesus Became God, Misquoting Jesus, God’s Problem, Jesus Interrupted, Forged, andThe Triumph of Christianity.

Bart will be co-hosting the live conference, moderating the live Q & A sessions, and providing an exclusive post-conference breakdown. Look for more details on the sign-up page!

Reserve Your Seat

Unparalleled Conference Benefits

Get ready for an unparalleled experience at our virtual 2-day conference! We've designed these presentations specifically for non-scholars or "lay" viewers, ensuring accessibility and clarity for all attendees. By attending, you will have the incredible opportunity to expand your knowledge about the most recent, intriguing, and exciting updates in Pauline scholarship, presented by world-renowned scholars at the forefront of cutting-edge research.

Moreover, the experience doesn't end with the lectures. You'll be able to interact and connect with other attendees - and optionally our presenters - in our virtual meet-ups, fostering meaningful discussions and connections. With additional opportunities for even more insights at our VIP and Elite levels, you don't want miss out on this extraordinary event!

Reserve Your Seat



Similar virtual conferences cost between $150 to $250 for a standard pass and don't include many of our pass benefits like lifetime access to the recordings, attendee mixers, and the opportunity (at higher pass levels) to meet the presenters! See student pricing.

early bird price ENDS midnight aug 24TH EDt

Instance 1


Complete Access to Main Session & Essential Networking

$290 Value


Early-bird discount expires Aug. 24th, 2024

Included in your pass

  • Access to Main Session - 10 Scholar Lectures with Q&A over 2 Days (Value $150)
  • Lifetime Access to NINT 2024 online recordings (Value $60)
  • Access to Attendee Only Pre-NINT Mixer Sept 20th (Value $40)
  • Live Chat with other attendees during the main event (Value $20)
  • NINT 2024 Attendee Badge for your Zoom profile for Attendee mixer. See example (Value $5)
  • Immediate Access to “Paul the Apostle - What Scholars Actually Know About His Life and Teachings”by Bart Ehrman - NINT Primer (Value $15)
  • Early access to NINT 2025 registration & discount pricing


Premium Access to Exclusive Sessions & VIP-Only Benefits

$475 Value


Early-bird discount expires Aug. 24th, 2024


  • VIP Mixer event Sept 19th with 7 Bible scholars attending(Value $80)
  • Post-Event scholarly breakdown of NINT talks hosted by Bart Ehrman (Value $40)
  • Post-Event Hot Topic Discussion with Robyn Walsh and Jenny Knust, moderated by Bart Ehrman (Value $60)
  • VIPAttendee Badge for your Zoom profile. See example (Value $5)


Premier Access to All Sessions for the Ultimate NINT Experience

$740 Value


Early-bird discount expires Aug. 24th, 2024

Includes STANDARD+ VIP +

  • Elite Roundtable Discussion with 4 Biblical scholars in attendance (Value $200)
  • Access to NINT 2023 online recordings (Value $60)
  • EliteAttendee Badge for your Zoom profile. See example (Value $5)





Main Session - 10 lectures from world-renowned scholars and Q&A on Sept 21-22(Value $150)

Lifetime Access - Watch the recordings of the main session (plus any other sessions purchased in your pass) in ThriveCart, our online course platform (Value $60)

Attendee Only Mixer - Engage with like-minded Bible enthusiasts on Sept. 20th (Value $40)

Live Chat - Engage with other attendees during the main session and additional sessions within your pass (Value $20)

Attendee Badge - Show off your enthusiasm for Biblical scholarship with your virtual Zoom background.(Value $5)

Standard Badge

VIP Badge

Elite Badge

"Paul the Apostle: What Scholars Actually Know About His Life and Teachings" - Immediate access to Bart Ehrman's recent 60-minute lecture with Q&A. Learn more.(Value $15)

Early Access & Discount Pricing to NINT 2025 - No promises but we offered a 20% discount this year to last year's attendees. Wink wink.

VIP & Elite Mixer - Engage directly with our esteemed presenters at our virtual mixer on Sept. 19th. 7 of 10 have already committed! (Value $80)

Post-Event Breakdown - Dive deeper into NINT with a scholarly breakdown of each talk, hosted by Bart Ehrman (Value $40)

Post-Event Hot Topic Discussion - Join Robyn Walsh and Jenny Knust for their talk about Paul's sexual discourse to Jews and Gentiles. Moderated by Bart Ehrman (Value $60)

Elite Roundtable Discussion - Join John Barclay, Paula Fredriksen, Ben White, and Jason Staples for a discussion on Paul's thought development over time, whether theological, Christological, or social/economic. (Value $200)

Access to NINT 2023 online recordings (Value $60)

Student Pricing


What is early-bird pricing?

Special early-bird prices for Standard, VIP and Elite passes are available until midnight August 24th, EDT. Pricing increases to $99, $179, and $199 thereafter.

What if I can't attend the conference?

We will post replays of all the lectures within a few days of the live event.

How many lectures will the scholars be presenting?

Each scholar will present a 50- minute lecture followed by 20 minutes of live Q&A moderated by Bart Ehrman.

Can I join by tablet or mobile phone?

Yes, we will be using Zoom Webinar which allows you to attend by desktop computer, tablet, or cell phone.

Do I need any special microphone or camera equipment?

The Zoom Webinar conference software only allows the presenters to speak. Attendees are hidden during the conference so you don't need to worry about having a camera or being seen. However, you may require a camera/microphone if you plan to attend the mixer events.

How will I join the conference?

Once you have purchased your NINT 2024 pass, you will granted access to the Bart Ehrman online course platform. Once logged in you will find your Zoom link for each day of the conference. We will also email you with the Zoom link and reminders.

Will subtitles/captions be available?

Zoom has a variety of options for creating closed captioning in webinars you attend, which provides subtitles of the spoken in-meeting communications. This may be used for participants to easily follow the conversations or to meet accessibility requirements. We expect to have this working come time of the conference!

Are any other discounts available?

There are two exclusive discounts offered when you purchase NINT2024:

1. Subscribers to Bart Ehrman's "Misquoting Jesus" podcast will find a special discount code for NINT2024 there.

2. NINT2023 pass holders will enjoy an exclusive discount. Watch your inbox for your exclusive offer code to use when purchasing NINT2024

What payment types are accepted?

We accept Paypal and all major credit cards.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Absolutely! If you don't love the conference, send us an email at [emailprotected] and we will refund 100% of your investment. You will have 30 days from the date of the event.

Sept. 21 - 22, 2024

10:00 am - 4:50 pm EDT

Virtual Event

Student, Standard, VIP, & Elite Passes

$99 - $199 ($79 - $179 During Early-Bird Pricing)

FAN mail

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (40)

William Poe

2023 Attendee

Since I engage so much with NT presentations by Bart and others, I thought the talks wouldn't provide "new insights" but I was wrong. The presentations were remarkably informative and thought-provoking.

This conference delivered on its promises! Ten experts delivered amazing content to non-scholars in a way that was engaging and easily understood.

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (41)

Ray Ciafardini, Jr.

2023 Attendee

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (42)

Sue Anderson

2023 Attendee

The conference was extremely well organized and well executed. I enjoyed it immensely. I’m looking forward to attending more of them. Congratulations on an extraordinarily well done job.

I was greatly impressed by the remarkably high quality of the speakers and their presentations in "New Insights into the New Testament." In addition, the superb two-day conference was well organized, easy to access, and Very affordable.

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (43)

James Borg, Ph.D.

2023 Attendee

Over 2,200 attended last year's inaugural event. See the ratings and testimonials from 442 post-NINT respondents.

join us for


reserve your seat

©2024 Bart Ehrman Professional Services -Privacy Policy

New Insights into the New Testament 2024: A Bible Conference for Non-Scholars (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 6402

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.